

/**  * @summary   AutoComplete  * @description 输入框自动检索下拉选项  * @version   0.0.1  * @file     images/2021/06/19/202106190301334646970.js  * @author   cangowu  * @contact   1138806090@qq.com  * @copyright  Copyright 2016 cangoWu.  *  * 这是一个基于原生js的自动完成搜索的下拉输入框,  * 可以通过移动鼠标上下键回车以及直接用鼠标点击  * 选中搜索的选项,在一些关键的地方都有注释  *  * 实例参见:  * CSDN博客:http://blog.csdn.net/wzgdjm/article/details/51122615  * Github:https://github.com/cangowu/autoComplete  *  */ (function () {    function AutoComplete() {     if (!(this instanceof AutoComplete)) {       return new AutoComplete();     }     this.sSearchValue = '';     this.index = -1;   }    AutoComplete.prototype = {     fnInit: function (option) {//初始化基本信息       var oDefault = {         id: '', //控件id         data: [], //数据         paraName: '',         textFiled: '', //显示的文字的属性名         valueFiled: '', //获取value的属性名         style: {}, //显示的下拉div的样式设置         url: '', //ajax请求的url         select: function () {         }, //选择选项时触发的事件       };       var _option = option;        this.sId = _option.id || oDefault.id;       this.aData = _option.data || oDefault.data;       this.paraName = _option.paraName || oDefault.paraName;       this.sTextFiled = _option.textFiled || oDefault.textFiled;       this.sValueFiled = _option.valueFiled || oDefault.valueFiled;       this.style = _option.style || oDefault.style;       this.sUrl = _option.url || oDefault.url;       this.fnSelect = _option.select || oDefault.select;       this.sDivId = this.sId + new Date().getTime();//加载选项额divid        //判断如果传入了url,没有传入data数据,就ajax获取数据,否则使用data取数据       if (this.sUrl !== '' && this.aData.length === 0) {         var that = this;         this.util.fnGet(this.sUrl, function (data) {           console.log(eval(data));           that.aData = eval(data);         }, 10);       }        //给aData排序       var sTextField = this.sTextFiled;       this.aData.sort(function (a, b) {         return a[sTextField] > b[sTextField];       });       //获取控件       this.domInput = document.getElementById(this.sId);       //this.domDiv = document.getElementById(this.sDivId);     },     fnRender: function () {//渲染一些必须的节点       var that = this;       //生成一个对应的div,承载后面的一些选项的       if (that.sDivId) {         var domDiv = document.createElement('div');         domDiv.id = that.sDivId;         domDiv.style.background = '#fff';         domDiv.style.width = that.domInput.offsetWidth - 2 + 'px';         domDiv.style.position = 'absolute';         domDiv.style.border = '1px solid #a9a9a9';         domDiv.style.display = 'none';         that.util.fnInsertAfter(domDiv, that.domInput);          //加载之后才能将domDiv赋值为         this.domDiv = document.getElementById(this.sDivId);       }       //给input添加keyup事件       that.util.fnAddEvent(that.domInput, 'keyup', function (event) {         that.fnSearch(event);       });     },     fnSearch: function (event) {       //判断如果不是回车键,上键下键的时候执行搜索       if (event.keyCode != 13 && event.keyCode != 38 && event.keyCode != 40) {         this.fnLoadSearchContent();         this.fnShowDiv();       } else {//搜索之后监测键盘事件         var length = this.domDiv.children.length;         if (event.keyCode == 40) {           ++this.index;           if (this.index >= length) {             this.index = 0;           } else if (this.index == length) {             this.domInput.value = this.sSearchValue;           }           this.domInput.value = this.domDiv.childNodes[this.index].text;           this.fnChangeClass();         }         else if (event.keyCode == 38) {           this.index--;           if (this.index <= -1) {             this.index = length - 1;           } else if (this.index == -1) {             this.obj.value = this.sSearchValue;           }           this.domInput.value = this.domDiv.childNodes[this.index].text;           this.fnChangeClass();         }         else if (event.keyCode == 13) {           this.fnLoadSearchContent();           this.fnShowDiv();           //this.domDiv.style.display = this.domDiv.style.display === 'none' ? 'block' : 'none';           this.index = -1;         } else {           this.index = -1;         }       }     },     fnLoadSearchContent: function () {       //删除所有的子节点       while (this.domDiv.hasChildNodes()) {         this.domDiv.removeChild(this.domDiv.firstChild);       }       //设置search的值       this.sSearchValue = this.domInput.value;       //如果值为空的时候选择退出       var sTrimSearchValue = this.sSearchValue.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, '');       if (sTrimSearchValue == "") {         this.domDiv.style.display = 'none';         return;       }       try {         var reg = new RegExp("(" + sTrimSearchValue + ")", "i");       }       catch (e) {         return;       }       //搜索并增加新节点       var nDivIndex = 0;       for (var i = 0; i < this.aData.length; i++) {         if (reg.test(this.aData[i][this.sTextFiled])) {           var domDiv = document.createElement("div");           //div.className="auto_onmouseout";           domDiv.text = this.aData[i][this.sTextFiled];           domDiv.onclick = this.fnSetValue(this);           domDiv.onmouseover = this.fnAutoOnMouseOver(this, nDivIndex);           domDiv.innerHTML = this.aData[i][this.sTextFiled].replace(reg, "$1");//搜索到的字符粗体显示           this.domDiv.appendChild(domDiv);           nDivIndex++;         }       }     },     fnSetValue: function (that) {       return function () {         that.domInput.value = this.text;         that.domDiv.style.display = 'none';       }     },     fnAutoOnMouseOver: function (that, idx) {       return function () {         that.index = idx;         that.fnChangeClass();       }     },     fnChangeClass: function () {       var that = this;       var length = that.domDiv.children.length;       for (var j = 0; j < length; j++) {         if (j != that.index) {           that.domDiv.childNodes[j].style.backgroundColor = '';           that.domDiv.childNodes[j].style.color = '#000';         } else {           that.domDiv.childNodes[j].style.backgroundColor = 'blue';           that.domDiv.childNodes[j].style.color = '#fff';         }       }     },     fnShowDiv: function () {       if (this.domDiv.children.length !== 0) {         this.domDiv.style.display = this.domDiv.style.display === 'none' ? 'block' : 'none';       }     },     util: {//公共接口方法       fnInsertAfter: function (ele, targetEle) {         var parentnode = targetEle.parentNode || targetEle.parentElement;         if (parentnode.lastChild == targetEle) {           parentnode.appendChild(ele);         } else {           parentnode.insertBefore(ele, targetEle.nextSibling);         }       },       fnAddEvent: function (ele, evt, fn) {         if (document.addEventListener) {           ele.addEventListener(evt, fn, false);         } else if (document.attachEvent) {           ele.attachEvent('on' + (evt == "input" ? "propertychange" : evt), fn);         } else {           ele['on' + (evt == "input" ? "propertychange" : evt)] = fn;         }       },       fnGet: function (url, fn, timeout) {         var xhr = null;         try {           if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {             xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();           } else if (Window.ActiveXObject) {              xhr = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.Xmlhttp");           }         } catch (e) {           //TODO handle the exception           xhr = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.Xmlhttp');         }         xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {           if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {             fn.call(this, this.responseText);           } else {             setTimeout(function () {               xhr.abort();             }, timeout);           }         };         xhr.open('get', url, true);         xhr.send();       }     }   }    window.AutoComplete = function (option) {     var aOption = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);     for(var i=0;i




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