- 分类:知识
每一刻,都有用户通过小兔吖创作出新的精彩,并与相同兴趣的人们在社区内进行互动。小兔吖提供了最优雅的界面和最好的分享体验,包罗万象的专题, 精彩的连载与发现页面内容,使得任何用户都可以在这个社区内创作与发现好内容,与同好交流。
- 文:通过文字附以图片、表格、公式、代码片段、视频等元素来表达知识,是一种综合形态,人人皆可创作
- 图:通过创作图并且对之进行排布和组织来表达知识,设计师、艺术家、架构师偏爱
- 表:通过表格来呈现知识,项目管理、HR、销售、财务等人员最常用
- 碎片化:描述具体的知识点,通俗易懂
- 结构化:看重知识的条理性和实用性,有一定专业背景才能看懂
- 体系化:对某一领域的完整解读,通常是某类知识的专业之作
- 知识:最小颗粒度的知识,可以是一个文档、一个表格、一个脑图、一个讨论...
- 知识库:知识的集合,按照某个主题对知识进行组织,形成结构化知识库
- 团队/空间:面向企业或组织,提供全新的体系化知识管理,让每个组织都可以拥有自己的知识库
新建知识库 即可开始个人创作和知识管理:
- 你可以编写自己的个人博客,比如 探索时间
- 你也可以建一个私密仓库,存放个人笔记
- 你还可以用它来收集和整理资料,构建自己的知识库
- 编写技术技巧经验...
适用于一些小团队、社团、社会组织、学习小组,在小兔吖上 创建一个团队 即可一群人一起创作知识库:
- 编写团队博客
- 集体写书、翻译书籍
- 分工编写文档
- 制作帮助手册、产品说明、API 手册
- 收集整理感兴趣的知识
This is a sample blog posting.
If you log in to the site (the Author Login link is on the very bottom of this page) you will be able to edit it and all of the other existing articles. You will also be able to create a new article and make other changes to the site.
As you add and modify articles you will see how your site changes and also how you can customise it in various ways.
Go ahead, you can't break it.
Your home page is set to display the four most recent articles from the blog category in a column. Then there are links to the next two oldest articles. You can change those numbers by editing the content options settings in the blog tab in your site administrator. There is a link to your site administrator in the top menu.
If you want to have your blog post broken into two parts, an introduction and then a full length separate page, use the Read More button to insert a break.
Your site has some commonly used modules already preconfigured. These include:
- Image Module which holds the image beneath the menu. This is a Custom module that you can edit to change the image.
- Most Read Posts which lists articles based on the number of times they have been read.
- Older Articles which lists out articles by month.
- Syndicate which allows your readers to read your posts in a news reader.
- Popular Tags, which will appear if you use tagging on your articles. Just enter a tag in the Tags field when editing.
Each of these modules has many options which you can experiment with in the Module Manager in your site Administrator. Moving your mouse over a module and clicking on the edit icon will take you to an edit screen for that module. Always be sure to save and close any module you edit.
Joomla! also includes many other modules you can incorporate in your site. As you develop your site you may want to add more module that you can find at the Joomla Extensions Directory.
Templates control the look and feel of your website.
This blog is installed with the Protostar template.
You can edit the options by clicking on the Working on Your Site, Template Settings link in the top menu (visible when you login).
For example you can change the site background color, highlights color, site title, site description and title font used.
More options are available in the site administrator. You may also install a new template using the extension manager.
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